Here’s a funny thing I’ve noticed lately: my study is overflowing with books—shelves sagging under the weight, stacks precariously balanced on every available surface—and yet, instead of going crazy, surrounded by all these incredible worlds that I would have no time at all for, I try to make the time to dive into them. I mean, as I told you yesterday, I’m writing three books at once, fueled by an arguably unhealthy amount of stuff to do in life, and somehow, reading has not taken a backseat. And I tell you why.
Sometimes, we writers, who fell in love with words because of other people’s stories, often forget to keep that love affair alive when we’re crafting our own. But here’s the kicker: reading isn’t just a leisurely pastime or a way to unwind after a long day. It’s the lifeblood of what we do. Immersing ourselves in another author’s universe not only gives our overworked minds a much-needed break but also sparks ideas and perspectives we might never stumble upon otherwise. It’s like having a silent conversation with a mentor, absorbing lessons without even realizing it.
Once you put that in your mindset, things change about time management.
Skipping out on reading while writing is like a chef refusing to taste any dish but their own—you miss out on flavors that could transform your own creations. I remember hitting a point, not too long ago, where I was completely stuck on one of the books I’m working on. No matter what I wrote, everything felt flat, like I was just rehashing the same thoughts, the same sentences. That’s when I picked up a classic (that I won’t mention yet, because I would give away what my book is about)—a book that had been sitting on my shelf for months—and just started reading again. And it was like a light turned back on. The writing of that author gave me the spark I needed, his characters nudging my own in directions I hadn’t considered.
So, how do we make time to read when we’re already juggling so much? Honestly, it’s something I’m still figuring out completely, but I have a few habits that have been helping me a lot:
Steal moments whenever you can. Snatching bits of time throughout the day is a good start—waiting for the coffee to brew, during lunch and coffee breaks, those few minutes before sleep. It might not seem like much, but it adds up.
Set reading as a priority, not an afterthought. Instead of viewing reading as something you’ll do “if there’s time,” you make it a non-negotiable part of your routine, like brushing your teeth or—let’s be real—refilling your coffee mug.
Limit the digital distractions. This one’s tough, but I’ve been trying to put the phone away, close the endless tabs on my browser, and just be present with a book. It’s amazing how much more time you find when you’re not scrolling through the abyss. And since I started focusing more on Substack instead of Instagram, things changed a lot for me. You should consider that too.
Carry a book everywhere. This one is obvious and almost a cliché, but whether it’s a physical copy or an e-reader app, having a book on hand turns unexpected free moments into mini reading sessions. Believe me, the best thing I did was to embrace reading on my phone on the Kindle App. It seems to contradict the previous tip, but it’s different. Try that and tell me.
Also, for me, it’s not just about reading as a form of escapism or entertainment—it’s a necessity. When I stop reading, my own writing feels narrower, like I’ve lost that connection to the larger literary world. But when I make the time to dive into someone else’s story, it recharges me. It reminds me why I started writing in the first place.
So here’s the deal: making time to read isn’t a luxury; it’s a necessity. It fuels our creativity, broadens our horizons, and keeps us connected to the craft we love.
That’s why I’m gonna ask you: how do you stay committed to reading when life and writing pile up? Do you ever feel that sense of guilt when you stop reading, like a part of your creative spark dims a little?
I’m curious—how do you make time to read amidst the chaos of writing or whatever else life throws your way? Do you have secret strategies or little rituals? Maybe you read while commuting or you’ve turned your weekends into mini reading retreats.
Share your thoughts, your tips, your struggles. Let’s figure this out together, and maybe, just maybe, we’ll all find a little more space for the stories that inspire us.
I'm a fan of habit stacking. I have a bath every evening before bed, so I use that time to read. If I'm doing something mindless, like folding the washing, I'll listen to an audio book, and I've recently started reading Substack articles while I have my morning coffee instead of scrolling on social media. With 4 children at home, a dog and a husband, work, uni and writing to do, I need to squeeze the reading in when I can.
I soooo agree that reading fuels our writing. I follow a motto that I learned from another writer: when you’re too tired to write, read. When I’m reading, I feel like I’m still working on my craft by learning from other authors!